Life Skills Development Program

Many of the skills that enable people to be successful in their lives are the same skills that enable them to distinguish themselves as leaders in both the community and in the workplace. Skills like time management, problem solving, teamwork, effective communication, organization, and conflict resolution are also necessary to achieve success in life and in the job market. Goal setting, budgeting, smart shopping, bill paying, balancing a checkbook are also vital a person’s independence. The The Healing and Wellness Tribe Life Skills Development Program teaches these skills to single women and female head of household in lieu of our mission to be a bridge for women and children from crisis situations to stability and self-sufficiency.

Life Skills classes are offered to all program participants in partnership with Chase Bank and  the YWCA. Classes are facilitated by trained instructors and community volunteers. Single women and female head of households ages 15-45 are offered the opportunity to learn employment skills, home management, health, recreation, problem-solving and communication skills through this program. A strong emphasis is placed on money management skills as participants continually practice these skills through the many experiences and enrichment activities that The Healing and Wellness Tribe has to offer. Classes are engaging and interactive and student progress is based upon their understanding and demonstration of the principles taught in the class.

Sessions are facilitated twice a week and are generally two hours in length and take place at a local community center and at one of the area community centers. Other subjects may also occasionally be covered by outside presenters from independent groups, other social service agencies, and governmental offices. We anticipate funding this program through donations from the general public, proceeds from special events and from various grant sources.