Services & Training

Our Service

The Healing and Wellness Tribe, Inc. was established to provide educational and charitable services to the general public, including both individuals and organizations. Funding is provided by donations from program participants, the general public and grants from government and from other nonprofit organizations.  For the purposes of this application, the Organization’s specific programs are summarized below.

Parent Advocacy

While parents are their children’s first and most important advocate and teacher, many times they are not aware of their rights and responsibilities within the public school system. Added to the challenges of raising children, including those with disabilities, parents need assistance with resources and further information to assist their family. The Healing and Wellness Tribe, Inc. provides tools and information to empower Los Angeles area students with learning disorders and with IEPs (birth-age 26) and their families. We provide technical assistance and support for school aged youth and their families through workshops, training and referrals

Life Skills Development Program

Many of the skills that enable people to be successful in their lives are the same skills that enable them to distinguish themselves as leaders in both the community and in the workplace. Skills like time management, problem solving, teamwork, effective communication, organization, and conflict resolution are also necessary to achieve success in life and in the job market. Goal setting, budgeting, smart shopping, bill paying, balancing a checkbook are also vital a person’s independence. The The Healing and Wellness Tribe Life Skills Development Program teaches these skills to single women and female head of household in lieu of our mission to be a bridge for women and children from crisis situations to stability and self-sufficiency.

Life Skills classes are offered to all program participants in partnership with Chase Bank and  the YWCA. Classes are facilitated by trained instructors and community volunteers. Single women and female head of households ages 15-45 are offered the opportunity to learn employment skills, home management, health, recreation, problem-solving and communication skills through this program. A strong emphasis is placed on money management skills as participants continually practice these skills through the many experiences and enrichment activities that The Healing and Wellness Tribe  has to offer. Classes are engaging and interactive and student progress is based upon their understanding and demonstration of the principles taught in the class.

Sessions are facilitated twice a week and are generally two hours in length and take place at a local community center and at one of the area community centers. Other subjects may also occasionally be covered by outside presenters from independent groups, other social service agencies, and governmental offices. We anticipate funding this program through donations from the general public, proceeds from special events and from various grant sources.

Residential Mental Health Treatment

Organizations that provide a therapeutic living environment in community-based facilities for adults or children with emotional and/or behavioral problems who require a structured, supervised treatment program which may include individual, group, family and other treatment modalities as appropriate Program.

Financial Literacy Program

The Healing and Wellness Tribe’s Financial Literacy Program was created to help single head of household women and their families improve their understanding of financial concepts and services, so they are empowered to make informed choices and take action to improve their present and long-term financial well-being.  As part of a six-week course, we equip each program participant with the resources to help them better understand and adjust to handling all of the responsibilities that come with managing money.

The Financial Literacy Program offers instruction to program participants the form of seminars and workshops on a number of financial literacy topics, including but not limited to: how to manage money, budgeting and saving, banking and loans, credit and credit reports, record keeping, increase your savings, protect your assets, taxes and tax credits, identity theft, foreclosure protection, loss mitigation counseling and insurance and first-time home buyer preparedness.

The Financial Literacy Program will be conducted in partnership with Chase Bank, Bank of America, Citi Bank, and Wells Fargo and facilitated by qualified volunteers from said financial institutions as well as volunteer undergrad students and the The Healing and Wellness Tribe staff. We anticipate funding this particular program through grant funding as well as by contributions from corporate and private donations.

Affordable Child Care Services

The Healing and Wellness Tribe daycare (preschool) program encourages all aspects of children’s’ (0 to 6yrs) development. The Healing and Wellness Tribe works together with the Peterson Family Childcare to provide childcare services for subsidized low-income children and children with special needs. The overall aim is to enhance the accessibility, improve the quality, and increase the availability of affordable childcare.  We provide activities and experiences that promote independence, self-help skills, confidence and individuality. We also promote kindergarten readiness and various learning concepts as the children show interest.

Our rooms are well equipped and arranged in various learning centers. The children are free to move from area to area, choosing the activities in which they wish to participate.

All the children receive a nutritional breakfast, hot lunches and an afternoon snack prepared by our full-time cook.